Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is crucial for any business in this digital age. Getting this right can be tricky and having the right type of social media exposure is the key success. Social media marketing has proved to be one of the greatest marketing tools through which companies and businesses are able to attract potential clients. 


Social Media

It is the fastest way to put a message across and have it shared amongst targeted users. It even gets better when digital marketing experts like CMee are hired to facilitate the attraction, creation and maintenance of potential client’s relationships through the use of various social media platforms. Social Media advertising has proved to be a success when it comes to connecting brands and the targeted clientele.

Social Media Specialists

At CMee, we guarantee an increase in brand loyalty and awareness in the social media environment. We are experts in all matters to do with digital marketing so contact us today and see what we can do.

Why you need social media?

The key to digital world

Social media has proved itself to be a platform where information can be shared instantly to a huge number of users or followers and have it shared to reach even a wider audience. For that reason, you cannot afford not to use social media as a marketing tool given that it is global and provides greater chances of reaching out to potential clients.


A lot of businesses and brands have benefited from social media where brand awareness has increased and tremendous growth has been reported. Customer relationships are created, nurtured and maintained and they bring forth other customers because social media is basically today’s “word of mouth”.


Through social media, you are able to connect with your clients and understand how best you can improve in order to meet their needs on a more improved dimension or scale. It is also through social media that you get to see the perspective with which your clients view your brand.

For visible results from a successful social media campaign representing your brand, you know that you can rely on our team of specialists to be at your disposal whenever you need them.




Digital Design

Our specialists are always aiming to seek out what is working and how, so we are able to achieve all of our goals in regards to delivering an elite social media campaign.

Best Platform For Your Business

There are different platforms as far as social media is concerned. Each platform has its own audience and various strategies in which you can get to these audiences. It is easy to influence people to get to know and buy your brand through various social media platforms, but that is something that only digital marketing experts like CMee can accomplish easily. We have the relevant skills on how to maneuver around these platforms and how best we can represent your brand there.


Facebook Marketing

Helping you succeed with Facebook

This happens to be one of the biggest and most influential social media platform in New Zealand and globally. More than half of New Zealand’s population uses this platform which means it is a viable platform when it comes to creating brand awareness to the active users.


You can have a page representing your brand created and strategies to have most users like it or be aware of it employed. You can rely on our CMee experts to facilitate the success of having that desired social image.

Keyword Research

Linkedin Marketing

Linking your way to the top

This is a reliable social media tool for facilitating business communication since it is a business-oriented platform. It is all about making the right connections

When it comes to Business to Business LinkedIn is one of the biggest networks used around the world for such communication. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. Making the right connections is critical to the business environment, and LinkedIn provides a channel for doing so.

Linkedin Marketing

Twitter Marketing

Tweet your way to the top

This is an interactive platform that gives you the opportunity to communicate with your potential consumers continuously and get feedback while at it. 

Twitter allows a continuous interaction as posts are limited to 140 characters. Providing a way to communicate with your consumers when receiving feedback or acknowledgements for the great work your have done. Social media links can also be placed on your website which does not only helps increase awareness but may also show that your business cares about the consumers’ perspective


Visual Media Marketing

At Affordable Rates

These are sites that enable you to visualize your brand related information and share it with your audience. You can therefore post videos or tutorials in such platforms which include YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.


YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest are useful sites that can be used to visualize your message or information you want to share. Posting videos’ on how to use products or inspirational ideas for products you want to produce but need to find out if it will have an end consumer or find out visualise the target audience.

Visual Media Marketing


The way you present your social media pages when creating brand awareness, has a lot to contribute to the growth and visibility of your brand out there. For maximum positive impact on your brand’s awareness creation, you can get our social media marketing specialists and content creators to carry the burden for you. They will even provide links to respective social media platforms on your website for easier access.