Rank Brain

This is the name that Google uses to refer to its machine learning system, that is to say, a system capable of learning from users’ searches and using the information collected to evolve and offer better results for unknown searches. 



The internet is a fundamental part of our life, since this tool allows us to perform an infinite number of complex tasks in a short period of time. It is very difficult to find a person who does not use the internet as a work tool or who does not use the information contained in the internet as a source of knowledge.


However, the information on the internet is very dense and without the indicated tools it is very difficult to obtain the information that is desired in a short period of time. This is where search engines appear, which are tools that allow users to get the information they want quickly, filtering all results and showing those that are most relevant to a particular search.


This is where Google comes in , since this company is at the forefront with everything related to search engines, having one with the same name of the company. The Google search engine is recognized and used around the world, since few of these tools have the ability to offer results as favorable and relevant as Google does.


This is the name that Google uses to refer to its machine learning system, that is to say, a system capable of learning from users’ searches and using the information collected to evolve and offer better results for unknown searches. This is the main use that is given to this system, since it is not responsible for managing all Google searches, but is part of the central algorithm.

RankBrain was put into operation in April 2015 and is still active to this day where it covers an important part of Google searches. The system has become of vital importance for the search engine, so it is considered as the third factor of classification of the company.



A classification factor is the tools used by a search engine to define how good the content of a web page is, creating a classification of those pages to show the most relevant results to users. In this sense, RankBrain works as one of these systems, filtering those results that do not agree with a specific search.


Rankbrain is an algorithm that works mainly with new searches that occur every day in Google, offering the results that best match those searches. But how does it really work? The algorithm of RankBrain has a very simple operation, which consists of relating words or entities with others and find which are the most similar.


Entities is the way in which search engines, such as Google, store their information, so that they are part of a database that allows them to organize information effectively in order to find what you want as quickly as possible. Then, when a person performs a Google search that is not known means that there is no entity that relates to that search.


This is where RankBrain begins to work, since this algorithm is in charge of making a comparison between the entities and the unknown searches of the users. In this way, the system can perform a search of the entities that are more similar to those requested by the users, showing favorable results for their search.


In addition to this, with each new connection that RankBrain makes, the system learns by itself and stores that information for searches that are similar in the future.


Since the creation of this system it has been very beneficial for the Google search engine, which is why it is still in operation since its launch in 2015. In this sense, it can be said that the greatest benefit offered by this algorithm is the one of relating unknown words with patterns of previous searches, being this a great advance in the world of the technology.


On the other hand, this system has allowed Google to start considering some words that were previously ignored, such as: “without”, “and”, among many others. These words were ignored, being in some cases words necessary to understand the meaning or intention of the user’s search. In this way, the system only searched for words with a greater meaning, reducing the relevant results for the search.

RankBrain was put into operation in April 2015 and is still active to this day where it covers an important part of Google searches. The system has become of vital importance for the search engine, so it is considered as the third factor of classification of the company.


With the algorithm of RankBrain this did not happen anymore, since the system of learning of this system allows Google to understand a little more the reasons of search of the users, improving the relevant results in each search. It is for this reason that RankBrain quickly became the third ranking factor of Google, having more than 200 of these factors in operation. This is why business need SEO Services in Auckland and throughout New Zealand


Currently, people who publish on web pages try to have their content among the first results of Google searches, so that its website or company can become very popular quickly. To achieve this goal,     is used, that is to say, certain writing methods that make use of keywords that are more relevant to search engines.

However, RankBrain generated a change in the way of optimizing content on the Internet. Generally, people specialized in SEO improve the content of a page only by placing keywords so that said content is more relevant in the search engine, without knowing that for the RankBrain algorithm these keywords do not create much difference.

RankBrain only tries to make a connection between a user’s search and the most relevant results, so keywords alone are not necessary. Then, due to this algorithm, people who wish to publish some kind of content must be more attentive to the user’s search intention.

When a user performs a search on the Internet, that search has a purpose. For example, if the name of a food dish is placed in the search, the search engine will automatically show you the recipe for that dish, instead of the definition of the dish or historical information. In this case, the intention of the search was to know how to cook the recipe.


The use of RankBrain has changed the perception of the use of keywords, making people more concerned with creating quality content that has a familiar or human tone instead of a more robotic tone.


Since this system represents the third factor of clarification of Google, it is important to take into account certain things when making any publication on the Internet, so that the algorithm can recognize your content easily and place it in a higher position in the results. So, some of the things you should consider are the following:

  • You must use natural language: this is a recommendation that has been given for a long time, by the same company of Google even. Writing naturally makes the search engine find your web page much faster, identifying your content as one of the best and placing it in a good position among the results. In addition to this, the more human the content, the more likely it is that users prefer your website and your content.
  • Understand the intention of search of users: this is very important; since it can give you an idea of ​​what is the most requested content at a certain time. It is necessary to understand what is the reason why users make use of a series of specific keywords, which will allow you to publish appropriate content to those reasons.
  • Improve the relevance of your content: if you have a web page, regardless of the main topic of that page, it is important that your content is as complete and informative as possible. Since with RankBrain the key words are left aside, it is necessary that the content you publish has a specific topic, which must be approached with great precision and completeness.
  • Keep working on the position of your web page: being among the first results of a Google search implies that the RankBrain system will catalog your web page as one of the most popular, so that you will appear in the majorities of the searches related to the subject.
  • Improve your content constantly: the RankBrain system is constantly evolving, that is, every day it learns and evolves on its own. This makes it necessary for your content to evolve in the same way. You must be aware of any new discovery related to the improvement of web content.

These are some of the things you should keep in mind if you want to improve the position of your results in Google thanks to the use of RankBrain. All the content that you are going to publish should go through a revision, so that you are as sure as possible that this algorithm will recognize it and place it among the relevant results.

It is very important that you keep in mind that RankBrain is a system that learns every day, so that it evolves and improves at all times. It is necessary to change and improve the content at the same pace.

On the other hand, this system has allowed Google to start considering some words that were previously ignored, such as: “without”, “and”, among many others. These words were ignored, being in some cases words necessary to understand the meaning or intention of the user’s search. In this way, the system only searched for words with a greater meaning, reducing the relevant results for the search.

RankBrain was put into operation in April 2015 and is still active to this day where it covers an important part of Google searches. The system has become of vital importance for the search engine, so it is considered as the third factor of classification of the company.


To understand a bit more how this algorithm works it is necessary to know what automatic learning is and how it differs from artificial intelligence. In essence, artificial intelligence is a set of machines which using human intelligence can perform a series of complex tasks, while machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence that learns how to react without the need of a person.

A system that works with machine learning is able to find patterns and learn from them, so that their actions will be more focused on obtaining better results based on those patterns. In this sense, it can be said that RankBrain works in this way, since it learns from users, their searches, patterns and many other things, showing the best possible results in unknown searches.

So, it’s thanks to this quality that RankBrain has become a fundamental part of the Google system. In addition to the improvement of searches, this system has also generated a change in the way in which publications are made on the Internet, improving the quality of the content that is published.

Rank-Brain New Zealand


Neural concordance is a system that aims to understand the meaning of words and how these words relate to their concepts. This is a tool that Google started using in 2018 in order to provide more relevant results to users. But what is your relationship with RankBrain? It can be said that these two systems complement each other when it comes to obtaining the most relevant results. In essence, the neural agreement has the purpose of connecting users’ searches with certain concepts, for which RankBrain then has more information when looking for the most relevant results according to the historical behavior of a user.


Most frequent questions and answers

RankBrain is one of the many systems that make up the Google search algorithm, although it represents an important part of the system. As stated above, 15% of searches in Google are completely new and just in this aspect that this algorithm works.


It is only in this section that RankBrain works, since the rest of the searches, having been done previously, are much simpler and do not require such a complex system. Then, RankBrain is part of a much more general algorithm called Hummingbird, which handles most searches.

This algorithm is not always in operation, that is to say, the Google Company disconnects it from its search engine in order to improve the system. In this sense, it can be said that RankBrain learns when it is disconnected, so that the system is offered a large number of search histories, with which it learns to make predictions and connections.

If it is shown that such predictions and connections between words are good, then RankBrain is reconnected to the search system. This is the way in which the algorithm is updated and learned automatically. It is easy to assume that Google is constantly looking to improve the RankBrain system and achieve better searches, even when working on the search engine.

The most recent smartphones have certain characteristics much better than in previous models, thus improving the user experience. In this sense, some years ago people did not imagine that they could search the Internet using a voice recognition system, this being one of the characteristics of the previously mentioned devices.

The number of people who search by voice is increasing every day, so a system was necessary to ensure that these searches were carried out efficiently. What is the reason for this? Well, it can be said that voice searches are usually much more diverse and personalized, so RankBrain is needed.

This system is essential in this type of searches, since the algorithm is designed for unique searches in Google, thus making them easier to understand for the main algorithm of the search engine.


Google is one of the most important companies in the world, because they offer certain fundamental tools to perform a large number of tasks every day. In this sense, the search engine of this company represents its main product, since with this tool you can get the information you need quickly and without many problems. This is where the RankBrain algorithm becomes important. Google is always at the forefront of technological advances, so every day seeks new strategies to get people to get the most relevant information in the sea of ​​knowledge that exists on the internet and it is thanks to algorithms such as RankBrain that this can be achieved.


A fundamental part of this search engine is that it allows you to get relevant information on any topic, for which new searches are made every day. RankBrain is the system that is responsible for organizing and understanding these searches, learning more and more from users and improving their search experience. Without an algorithm like this the Google search system would not be as effective.




RankBrain has generated changes in the way in which content is published on the Internet, improving the tone of the writing and getting that content is of much better quality. Since now the content is not focused on the use of keywords, published articles tend to have much more relevant and understandable information for users who search daily.